Blog comment maya siden

Alright this was a pretty good post, you make it clear on what the post is about (boss design). The explanation on how you planned and carried out your design process was great. And lastly you give a clear case for why the design of the boss is so important with a challenge for the player in mind and all that. So overall it’s a great and interesting read. However, I can’t help but wonder if you might have missed the instructions for this week’s post as it was supposed to cover how scrum has affected your development. Aside from being about an incorrect subject, it is a valuable post that cover practices that I, as a fellow designer might borrow some inspiration from in my coming design tasks. Can the post be improved? Fleshing out the part with the arbitrary number equations to give an idea for what they actually meant to your design would be great, also a picture to help visualize how you carried out your design. Writing about the correct subject could also be considered an improvement 😉 but other than that, this is the best post I’ve read so far. 😀

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