Blog comment Simon Ågren

What: I get that you are trying to put focus on the user stories.
How: you make it clear that you broke down the user stories onto a page of ideas and used them to plan your sprints.
Why: you wrote that the user stories made it for your team to understand the coming tasks but It’s hard for me to see how as you don’t go into any further details to motivate how it has actually been useful.
The post is valuable in the sense that it gives a bit of background to how pre-production looked in your team.
There are things that can be improved, grammar and sentence structure to begin with; there are some errors in the post that i found a bit distracting and the structure made some parts confusing and made me have to re-read them to understand what you were trying to say.
perhaps make a more clear topic for the next post? even though you had an emphasis on user stories the post felt a bit lackluster by not giving much in terms of details.
Also that fuzzy looking picture could be improved 😛

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